
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/13 04:08:47

reason 的用法应注意以下几点:
1. 表示理由或原因,多用作可数名词,有时也用作不可数名词,其后常接介词for-短语或不定式短语:
Give me your reason (s) fordoing it. 说说你做这件事的理由吧。
I have many reasons tofear him. 我怕他是有很多理由的。
There is (some) reason tosuspect him. 怀疑他是有 (些)理由的。
The reason for the floodwas all that heavy rain. 涨洪水的原因完全是那场大雨。
2. 后接定语从句,用why (=for which)引导,有时也可用that, 在非正式英语中甚至可以省略:
The reason that [why] he died waslack of medical care. 他死的原因是缺少医疗。
The reason I didn’t tell you was that I wanted it to be a surprise. 我之所以没有告诉你是想让它给你个惊奇。
注意the reason之后所接的why引导的定语从句,必须是限制性的,而不能是非限制性的。
3. 注意以下几句,第一句比第二句更普通:
正:Tell me why you are late.
正:Tell me the reason why you are late.
正:That’s why he was dismissed.
正:That’s the reason why he was dismissed.
4. 在 The reason why…is that…这类句型中,通常要用 that来引导表语从句,但在现代英语中用 because的情况已比较普遍:
Thereason (why) he did not come was that [because] he was ill. 他没有来是因为他生病了。
但在应试中,若要从that / becaus