
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 08:48:12

我抱着去日本留学的强烈愿望给您写这封信 特别是静冈大学在中国留学生中口碑极好

2006年6月,我毕业于 西安外事学院 情报专业,大学期间就一直对情报 企业管理等知识特别感兴趣,一直努力学习经济 经营管理等情报知识,毕业后就职于与其相关的公司 至今已两年半了 本人高中时期就对出国留学充满了热情 因为经济原因 没有实现 再工作过程中越来越发现应该进一步继续学习深造 对到日本留学的愿望也就更加的强烈了,通过查找资料 关注日本的留学信息,发现老师您的专业正是我一直地兴趣所在,所以在工作之余一直努力学习日语,希望可以获得到日本留学的机会 在此向老师提出2009年4月分 郑重地申请。请老师允许我到您的门下学习与深造,对社会情报进行更深入地学习,以后也会学以致用,不妄老师给予的宝贵学习机会与栽培。


Dear Professor, hello.

I went to study in Japan with a strong desire to write you this letter in particular, the University of Shizuoka in an excellent reputation among Chinese students

In June 2006, I graduated from the Xi'an Institute of Foreign Affairs intelligence professional, college has been on the intelligence business management knowledge of particular interest, has been trying to learn the operation and management of economic information, such as knowledge of graduating after working with its related companies has been two years Half the time on my high school study abroad is full of enthusiasm for financial reasons, did not re-process the work should be continued to find more and more post-graduate study on the desire to study in Japan will be more strong, and find information through the concern of Japan to study information And found that your teacher is the professional I have been to interest, so in spare time has been trying to learn Japan