
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 10:05:42
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关键词:电力设备 安全运行 继电保护 二次回路 故障

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With the rapid economic development, the contradiction between supply and demand of electricity has become more prominent, hydropower is clean energy, renewable, non-polluting, low operating cost, ease of peak power. In China's power grid occupies an important seat. China's hydropower resources reserves of about 676 million kW, the first in the world, but the utilization rate of only 20% of the hydropower development potential. Particularly in rural areas, small hydropower stations on the local economic construction has played an irreplaceable role. Turbine Power Station is the host of equipment, its performance is good or bad, have a direct impact on hydroelectric power system and even the running of the techno-economic level. Hydropower generating units in the design, manufacture, installation and repair, all units of the parameters proposed state regulations and requirements, but due to the hydropower g