请问短语Hell's bells and cockle shells是什么意思

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 16:54:53
应该是拿来诅咒人的 但翻成中文怎么说
这个短语用来表示惊讶或惊恐的感情状态. 我认为cockleshells放在这里是为了押韵.同样的例子有hell's bells and little fishes, hell's bells and buckets of blood.我只知道“地狱的钟声”,是二十世纪早期水手们的习惯口语, 但不知道最早是出自于哪里


Hell's bells and cockle shells地狱的钟声和小船。

It's just an exclamation of surprise or consternation. I think the cockleshells got in there for the sake of rhyming. Other variants are hell's bells and little fishes, hell's bells and buckets of blood. I know hell's bells is a nautical idiom dating from the early twentieth century, but don't know the origin

The expression denotes extreme surprise. The bells of hell tolled to signify the arrival of a wicked person when they died. Cockle shells were the symbol of St James and were worn on pilgrim's hats in mediaeval times to show that they had visited the shrine of St James of Compostela. Therefore the symbology is of the very wicked and the very good - and everything in between.
