
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 11:05:59


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Haier Group CEO Zhang Ruimin, Haier at the meeting summed up the past 20 years to grasp the laws of sustainable development, namely, at any time, any place is to address the following three relationships. First, inaction and accomplishments, the second is the key breakthroughs and loop optimization, and the third is the 100-meter sprint in the marathon run. Haier successful three Po : dream, brand (Haier is the most valued brand enterprises, the implementation of brand strategy most productive enterprises. Haier brand-name strategy implementation earliest and most consistent), the body (Zhang Ruimin, Haier-led business groups, Haier is the key success factors that have no proof)

The sea 尔 group chief executive officer ZHANG RUI4 MIN3 is willing ascend to tally up the sea 尔 20 in the last yearses and canning keep on the regulation that development hold, at any time any locations all notice the processing good three relations.The first is to have no for