
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 11:31:53
The summer of 1909,which she spent together with Jawlensky and Marianne von Werefkin in Murnau, was particularly influential on her further artistic development.At the time Jawlensky was well versed in Frence art and his work seemed to be the most progressive ,so that the others were able to receive important ideas for their own paintings .Even Kandinsky benefited from his advice.However,it was Gabriele Munter’s paintings that were most strongly influenced by his art. Almost without any period of transition her art acquired a new syle .A simplification of forms began to gain ground, and her loose touch became thicker, forming compact areas of colour .

1909年夏天,那个她与Jawlensky和Marianne von Werefkin一起在Murnau读过的那个夏天,对她将来的艺术发展有着特别重要的影响。那时候Jawlensky在法国艺术方面颇有造诣,他的作品相当有先进性,所以其他的人能从中发现他们自己的画作灵感。甚至Kandinsky从他的建议中得到过启示。但是,最受他影响的还是Gabriele Munter的画作。几乎没有通过任何的逐渐变化,她的作品就有了一种新的风格。形式的简化逐渐开始变得重要,她的一笔一划都开始变得疏散但浓重,形成了画纸上部分区域的颜色紧凑感。

1909年夏天,她和Jawlensky,Marianne von Werefkin一起在Murnau度过。那对她的艺术发展有着很大的影响。那时Jawlensky的法国艺术造诣的最熟练,大家都从他那儿得到重要的创画灵感。甚至Kandinsky也从他的意见得到帮助。但是Gabriele Munter的画是得到他影响最多的。几乎没有过度期,她的创立了新的绘画风格。