
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 22:59:45
在城区外围,六合区境内北部有东平山、冶山,东南部有以玄武岩为主的方山、灵岩山;浦口境内分布着东北--西南向的 老山 山脉;城郊和江宁区是宁镇山脉西段的分布地,沿江边第一列(即 钟山 北支)分布着栖霞山、南象山、 幕府山 ,第二列(即钟山中支)有灵山、紫金山等,第三列(即钟山南支)的山最多,有 汤山 、方山、牛首山等;溧水、高淳县境的东部是茅山山脉的一部分。除了这些有名称的小山丘外,还有许多无名岗地间杂其中。其实,像紫金山、九华山等山,都是句容茅山的余脉。



Nanjing Mountains
In the outlying urban areas, Luk district in the northern territory of the Eastern Hirayama, Ye mountains, south-east are dominated by basalt side of the mountain, Yeongam Hill; Pukou distribution in the territory of the Northeast - to the south-west of the Laoshan Mountains; Jiangning and suburban areas is the town of Ning The distribution of the western section of the mountains, along the river side of the first column (that is, Zhongshan North Branch) distributed Qixiashan, South Xiangshan, the shogunate Hill, the second column (that is, Zhong Zhi Zhong Shan) Mountain there, and so on Purple Mountain in the third set (that is, South Zhongshan branch) up to the mountains, Tangshan, Fang Shan, the first cattle Hill; Lishui, Gaochun County's eastern mountain range is part of Maoshan. In addition to these name small hill, there are many nameless Kong to be mixed one. In fact, as the Purple Mountain, Jiuhuashan, and other mountains are th