谁可以帮我翻译成英文, 拜托

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 12:27:13
1 “人性”是最有趣的书,一生一世看不完。
2 最可厌的人,如果你细加研究,结果总发现他不过是个可怜人。
3 书是最好的朋友。唯一的缺点是使近视加深,但还是值得的。
4 要做的事情总找得出时间和机会;不要做的事情总找得出藉口。
5 替别人做点事,又有点怨,活着才有意思,否则太空虚了。
6 有人共享,快乐会加倍,忧愁会减半。
7 教书很难――又要做戏,又要做人。
8 最讨厌是自以为有学问的女人和自以为生得漂亮的男人。

1."Human nature" is the most interesting book in the world, and it needs us to spend our whole life to read it.
2.The most repulsive person, if you study him closely, you'll find he is just a poor guy.
3.Books are your best friends. The only drawback is making your eyesight get worse, but still worth it.
4.Things that you are willing to do always make you have time and chance to do; opposite, there are always some excuses for those things you do not want to do.
5.There are always some complaints for doing something for other poeple, however, it makes life more interesting, otherwise life is so boring.
6.Sharing happiness will double it; sharing woe will halve it.
7.Teaching is difficult due to playing rules while playing their own.
8.Women who imagines themselves have knowledge enough and men who think themselves handsome are the most annoying persons.

1 “人性”是最有趣的书,一生一世看不完。
2 最可厌的人,如果你细加研究,结果总发现他不过是个可怜人。
3 书是最好