
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 07:20:45
北海景区 泉景区 玉屏景区 松谷景区 云谷景区 白云景区

猴子观海 梦笔生花 仙人下棋 犀牛望月 金鸡叫天门 孔雀戏莲花



North Sea area
Stephen area
Yu-Ping area
Pine Valley area
Cloud Valley Scenic Spot
White Cloud area
View of the sea monkeys
Dream flower pen
Fairy chess
Mochizuki rhinoceros
Golden Gate called days
Peacock Lotus show.

Beihai scene district spring scene district jade screen scene district loose grain scene district cloud grain scene district in vain cloud scene district monkey sight sea dream pen raw coloured immortal play game the rhinoceros golden chicken of full moon call day door peacock play lotus


The North Sea scenic area
spring scenic area
yuping scenic area
loose valley scenic area
cloud valley scenic area
white clouds scenic area

monkey view sea
dream pen lives the Chinese flowering
crabapple person to play chess
the rhinoceros full moon
golden rooster to be called the fontanel
peacock play lotus flower