bratfest at tiffany's什么意思阿

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 15:33:01
我很确定,题目是bratfest at tiffany's而非
breakfast at tiffany's..我有书的封面。。
作者是lisi harrision而非杜鲁门卡波特
The Clique Series is a teen book series, written by Lisi Harrison and published by Little, Brown and Company. Fourteen novels have been released in the series so far, including the Clique Summer Collection. The series revolves around five girls, Massie Block, Alicia Rivera, Dylan Marvil, Kristen Gregory and Claire Lyons, who collectively make up The Pretty Committee, the 'A-Lister' clique of the fictional Octavian County Day school (OCD). Massie is the head alpha of the group. Alica serves as her second in command or beta. Claire is at first an outcast but eventually accepted into the group. Dylan and Kristen are the last two members of the PC.

应该是 breakfast at tiffany's,是美国作家杜鲁门卡波特的小说,译名为《在蒂凡尼进早餐》,简称《蒂凡尼早餐》。
题目的本身就是模仿breakfast at tiffany's,国内没有标准译名。

《Breakfast at Tiffany's》吧、


Tiffany 是个 珠宝大商、全球三大珠宝行之一。


后来改变成剧本的。1960年好莱坞著名女星奥德莉赫本就出演过《Breakfast at Tiffany's》。