
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 10:04:25
【不要用翻译机啊 谢谢各位了】

肯德基在广告中所体现的是其品种的多样化和口味并没有利用儿童辨别能力差而进行销售。肯德基最先引进食品完工后两小时内未卖出即报废的概念时,它的意思是出产2小时还没有被售出的产品一律作废,不再卖给消费者,由此可见KFC看重食品卫生的方面。在中国,曾经发生过苏丹红事件,而肯德基敢于自我曝光苏丹红,并停售涉红产品,当然意味着今后的产品不再涉红。表明KFC有极大的勇气承认错误,说明它有道德规范的。一般来说,消费者在点餐之后想要退换,KFC都会考虑允许的。不过,KFC也出现过道德问题,压榨员工的工资,安排大量的工作给员工,也出现过员工大规模抗议的情况,这都是不道德的。在环境保护, 在中国,有一个调查,在一个城市30家KFC店平均每月为顾客提供13件即丢物品,调查组织表示,只要略作改动,便可以减少一半不必要的废物,减少资源浪费和环境污染。

第一段: After entering 21C, environment has become the key point of human's attention. There is an arguement about which is more important, environmental protection or development? So is the case in the fast food restaurant. It is known to all that we all use different bags when purchasing things and foods. On this circumstance, the cartering industry is very prominent on this issue, esp the fast food industry.The position of disposible food is its one-off feature because its usage period is very short and people throw away after usage, which produce more rubbish accordingly. The main integrants of city rubbish is diaposable bag and plastic tableware with little value of recycling.The rubbish produced by fast food industry is too much to accept for human beings. Human's environment protection feeling is weak and so is the manufacturors so the government shall have to enhance the check and supervising of plastic products. But there are still some companies don't care the env