
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 12:27:50
电放提单是指船公司或其代理人签发的注有"Surrendered"或"Telex Release"的提单副本,复印件或传真件.其基本作用有三:一是承运人收到其照管的货物收据,二是运输合同的证明,三是用来换取提货单的依据.其运行程序是:
(4)装船后,船公司向货代签发Master电放提单(Master电放提单是指在Master单的正本复印件或副本上注有"Surrendered"或"Telex Release"字样的单据,所谓Master单,是指由船公司签发的提单,亦称master bill of lading).
(5)货代向托运人签发House电放提单(House 电放提单是指在House单的正本复印件或副本上注有"Surrendered"或"Telex Release"字样的单据,所谓House单,是指由货代签发的提单,亦称House bill of lading).
此种形式是电放操作中最常用的,其模式为:船公司 电放 目的港货运代理(简称货代)电放 收货人,若出口公司有专门负责出口的部门,自己能办理商检,报关,托运等业务,则不经货代,直接到

Call by the shipper or shipping companies to send the application and submit a surety, by shipping companies or shipping substituting cables (transmission), informed the purpose of the Hong Kong agent of goods without a vote on the original bill of lading withdrawals, the consignee can build recipient companies chapter call for a bill of lading or a bill of lading to customs withdrawals seaborne operation. Call on the bill of lading is issued by the shipping companies or their agents Note "Surrendered" or "Telex Release" bill of lading copies of the copies or fax. Its basic role is threefold : First, the carrier received their care goods receipts, and the other is proof of the contract of carriage. Third is the basis used to exchange for bills of lading. its operating procedures are : (1) by the shipper to submit a call forwarding or bonds that have a call on all operational responsibilities and consequences borne by the shipper. (2) freight shipping compan