
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/01 05:00:52
Given all the debate about the technology of coatings in recent years, one might think printing plates are an exception to the rule that it is what's below the surfaces that really matters. One thing almost all of the solutions, even analog plates, have in common, though, is an aluminum base. Polyester plates are the exception, of course.
This commonality in printing plates hit home earlier this year when vendors notified customers of price increases due to the rising cost of raw materials. Aluminum prices reportedly have risen some 40 percent over the past two years, and higher energy prices have compounded the problem.
"Aluminum represents more than half the cost of a litho plate, and production efficiencies cannot offset the magnitude of the increase in aluminum prices," points out Jack Wiethoff, staff vice president for plates at Kodak Polychrome Graphics (KPG).


近一段时间以来,印版的属性(hit home,是不是你抄错了?)当原材料供应商提高价格.
柯达Polychrome Graphics主管负责人Jack Wiethoff指出"铝金属影响着成品版材的大部分成本费,生产效率也不能抵消铝价的上扬".

我们公司一直用着Kodak Polychrome Graphices,我却从没在意过它..呵呵..