
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 02:58:10
A balanced meal means all kinds of foods that provide important nutrients(营养物). The meal has proteins(蛋白质) from fish, vitamins(维他命) and minerals(矿物质) from vegetables, and carbohydrates(碳水化合物) from rice. The meal is low in fat and high in fiber(纤维素).
It is important to eat a balanced meal. Learning to eat a balanced meal takes time and practice. You need to remember everything you have learned about nutrients. You also need to remember the food groups and how many servings(食物的量) to eat from each group each day. So the best thing to do is to start slowly. Begin with planning and eating one balanced meal one day. Before long, you’ll eat three balanced meals each day.
Sometimes you get hungry between meals. Most people do. When planning your diet, don’t forget snacks.(快餐) A snack is anything you eat or drink between meals. You should make sure your snacks are part of a nutritious and balanced meal. What do you normally have for a snack

一平衡的饭意味着各种各样的提供重要营养品((营养物)的食物.饭有蛋白质((蛋白质) 从鱼,维生素((维他命)和minerals(矿物质)从蔬菜和 carbohydrates(碳水化合物)从稻子.饭是低在朝派脂肪和高在朝派纤维 ((纤维素).吃平衡的饭是重要的.学习吃平衡的饭花费时间和练习.你需要记得你有的一切听说营养品.你也需要每一天记得食物组和多少每个吃从一份((食物的量)组.这样最好的东西向社交聚会是要缓慢开始.以计划一天和吃一平衡的饭开始.不久,每一天you’ll吃的东西三平衡饭.有时你得到饥饿的在中间饭.绝大部分人物社交聚会.当计划你的饮食的时候,don’t忘记snacks.(快餐)一小吃是你在两顿饭之间吃饭或者喝酒的任何事情.你是应该确保你的小吃是部分一富有营养和平衡的饭为一小吃有你在一般情况下什么?Potato 芯片吗?一无酒精饮料吗?一糖果柜台或者甜饼干吗?请尝试用例如水果被焙烤(烘烤)(未煎), 和空气-发出砰的响声popcorn.(爆米花)的,酸奶,(酸奶)juice,芯片有益健康小吃代替这些小吃这些吃零食富人维生素,(维生素)矿物 ,(矿物质)and其它营养品.他们也味道是好!记得你饮食一切是部分你的饭!