中文翻英语回信 请各位帮忙翻译一下

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 17:54:51
恩 我也很喜欢小说的。不过初中时期 我也同样得过阅读奖,也在报纸上发过几篇文章 哈哈~

上不上大学的问题 我还没有想好,也许不会上。因为对我来说 找到喜欢的工作是主要的 学历问题 我放在第二位

呵呵 对我来说 韩语的写法感觉像在画画……有些头晕
恩 对国外的朋友来说 中文写作是一件很难的事情,能把词语写通顺就已经很不容易了,如果要写成一篇文章 那估计要在中国呆上很长的一段时间才行

恩 在电影里看过教会的样子……但是我没有亲身体验过
她们在每周也会去教堂 我真的很想听听唱诗班的歌声 如果有机会的话


日本的小说 我收藏的一般都是侦探类的,murakami haruki的小说也很不错
不过我只读过一本。呵呵 我向你推荐Higashino Keigo 他的书很吸引人
不过最好别在晚上看 否则你会吓的睡不着的

呵呵 其实我觉得分男校和女校没有任何意义,难道是阻止学生恋爱吗?
现在连幼儿园的小男孩都知道找喜欢的小女孩一起玩 何况高中生呢?对吗

韩国学校的规定真的很多呀,估计如果我在韩国 也许会被这些规定弄的发疯

谢谢你发来的音乐,回给你几首日本的音乐吧 希望你能喜欢

TU, I also like novels. But during my junior high school also won the reading award, the newspaper also issued several articles Haha ~

Not on the issue of university I have not want good, may not last. Because for me to find like the work of the main qualifications I second place

Ha ha for me to feel like the wording of Korean in to paint some dizziness ... ...
TU friends abroad for Chinese writing is a difficult thing, able to write fluent word has already been very easy, if we wrote an article that estimated that in China for a long period of time do

TU seen in movies like the church ... ... but I do not have亲身体验过
Although China is a non-sectarian country, but there are still some people Christian or Catholic
They will also go to church every week I really want to hear the choir singing if given the chance

Bookstore in China can also buy South Korea's novels, but also very popular. I personally as well as some S