
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 14:27:33
Each human being is born as something new. something that never existed before.Each is born with the capacity to win at life.Each person has a unique way of seeing hearing touching tasting and thinking.Each has his or her own unique potentials capabilities and limitations.Each can be a significant thinking aware and creative being a productive person.a winner.

Each human beings is born as something new,每个人的出生就是新生,something that never existed before.就是以前从来不曾存在的新生物Each is born with the capacity to win at life.每个人与生俱来就有赢得自己生命的能力Each person has a unique way of seeing,hearing,touching,tasting and thinging.每个人有自己独特的视觉 听觉 感觉 味觉 以及对事情独到的见解Each has his or her ownunique potentials--capabilities and limitations.每个人都有自己独特的潜在的能力和潜在的局限性Each can be a significant,thinking,aware,and creative being--a productive person,a winner.每个人都是意义重大的,都有思想有意识并具有创新性成为一个多才的人 一个生命的赢家
参考资料:自己说的 看着给吧


每个人生来就是一个new. before.Each从未存在过的东西中成功立业的能力与生俱来,寿命的人都有一个独特的方式观察听力触摸品尝和thinking.Each有自己独特的潜力的能力和limitations.Each可能成为一个杰出的思想意识和创新作为生产person.a赢家