
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:22:20
1.what do people from England like eating?
2.what do people from American like eating?
3.what do people from Shandong like eating?
4.what do people from Macao like eating?
3Q ^~^……………………

1 英国人喜欢吃什么?
答案;They like eating fishes, potato chips, fried chicken,and there are more and more people like eating eastern food, such as food from China, Japan,and Tailand etc.
2 美国人喜欢吃什么?
答案:Normally, they like their traditional food, but as people now have less time on their food, they prefer to eat fast food, such as, fried chickenl, Hambergers,etc. But they never forget their love of European food, sandwiches,Pizza,etc.
3 山东人喜欢吃什么?
答案:People from Shandong alway fancy their North food, there is a great example of Jian Bing Juan Da Cong(煎饼卷大葱), and like most of the North people of China, food made of flour are their favourate.
4 澳门人喜欢吃什么?
答案:Just as a the trend of southern people, people from Maocao are another classical type of China's "Best Eaters", you will have no surprise once you know their favourate snakes: almond cake of the Xiang(香记的杏仁饼)、chaqui of the Ju(钜记的猪肉干)、Special Sweets of the Cheligefu(车厘哥夫的扭结糖),and their most famou