
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 12:21:23
很高兴在第 CHINACOAT2008(十三届中国国际涂料展)上认识您,在展馆里我们开心的谈论了一些关于关引发剂的产品。目前我们是全球最大的MBZ,PBZ,CBZ生产商,产品60%左右出口至欧洲,30%左右出口至东南亚地区。产品绝大部分供给国际油墨巨头。希望就相关产品与您们展开合作。同时也非常欢迎您再来中国,到我们公司实地考察,洽谈合作!

Glad to meet you at the CHINACOAT2008 (the 13th China International coating material dispay),we talked some products about initiator
in the display.Now we are the biggest producer of MBZ、PBZ、CBZ in the world,60 percent of the product send for Europe,30 percent of the product send for southeast of Asia.Most of the product provide for the president of the international printing ink.Wish to have conmunication with you for some product.Welcome to China the next time,to have a reserch of our company!

I am very happy to No. CHINACOAT2008 (13 session of the China International Coatings Show) on the understanding you, in the exhibition hall we happy to talk about a number of related products initiator. At present, we are the world's largest MBZ, PBZ, CBZ manufacturers, about 60 percent of export products to Europe, 30% are exported to Southeast Asia. The vast majority of international ink supply products giant. Related products would like to cooperate with you. At the same t