
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/06 21:08:00

the class is over.I dare not say that
I have learned a lot for three months,
but at least I am not tired of English.
thank you very much.

The course is over.I can not say How much I have learnt from this course.But,at least I do not hate English any more.Thank you!

The English course which keeps three months has been over,I'm not sure how muc I have learned , but at least I am not boring for English.

不要给你英语老师写这个,他不会喜欢的。 只有中国老师才明白你是在夸奖他。如果是一定要写,也要正面去 说。 比如:

The program has finished. Although I can not claim that I've learned a lot during the last three months, at least I started to like English. Thank you!

Course is over, the three-month study and I dare not say that I have learned many things, but at least I do not hate the English, thank you.

我 已经爱上了他~但不敢对他说~我怎么办 我不敢说我恋爱了 我背了英语不敢说。 为什么不敢说了?我该怎么办?, 我说了 也结束了 宠物小精灵的动画片结束了吗?我听别人说大结局已经播出了,这是真的吗? 牛市已经结束了吗?今天看了"第一财经"里面主持人说已经很踞结束了. 是他压是他压力太大了还是他已经在乎我了呢?心情好乱.又不敢跟他说.一说他就烦 我不敢说!!!! 跑跑,我已经把所有L2的考试完成,但没有得到L2的胸章,听大家说这个送胸章的活动已经结束了?