翻译 300来字

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 00:32:11
本毕业设计的选题是:聊天软件的设计,是基于windows环境下的网络编程,应用Visual Studio 2005专业版开发的应用程序。开发此程序的目的有:熟练软件工程的过程、掌握windows下的网络编程、掌握网络通信的原理,同时也制作一个使用方便功能强大的通信软件。 本设计的构架是C/S构架,包括括服务器端和客户端。服务器端主要是侦听客户端的连接请求及监控所有用户的发言并对信息进行转发,并可以管理用户,同时还可以发布公告。客户端主要实现与好友聊天,同时还可以修改自己的基本信息等。在客户端可以进行公聊,所有人都能看见;也可以两个人之间说悄悄话,其他人看不到。 本论文撰写了从系统分析开始,经过程序设计,直至最后系统测试及总结的全过程。 关键字:聊天软件;C#;多线程;socket;服务器;客户端

翻译成英文是吗?The graduates designed the selection of subjects is : chat software design is based on the servers network programming environment, Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition application development applications. The purpose of this procedure include : skilled software engineering process, master servers, network programming, master the principles of network communications, but also produce a user-friendly powerful communications software. C/S framework is a framework for the design, including server-and client - including. Server-client-mainly monitoring and control of all users connected to the request and the statement transmitted information, and can manage users, while also issued notice. - Major customers achieve chat with friends, while also revising their basic information. Customers can conduct in-public -- and all can see; Whispered between two people can say that others can not see. The papers from the analysis, design a procedure, until the final system testing and