
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/03 12:10:20

Can you imagine what life would be like if there was no telephone? You could not __51___ your friends on the phone and talk to them. If fire __52_ out to your house, you __53___ call the fire department. If somebody _ 54___ sick, you could not call a doctor.
In our _55__ life we need to communicate with _ 56 _. We do this _ 57_ by speaking to other people and listening to what they have to say to us, and when we are _58__ to them, we can do this very easily, _59_, our voices will not travel very far even when we __60__, and it is thanks to the __61__ of the telephone that we are __62___ able to communicate with each other __63__ hold talks when we are far apart. We can hear each other __64__ clearly as if we _65__ in the same room.
The man who made this __66__ was Alexander Graham Bell, a Scotsman, born in Edinburgh in 1847. Bell , a teacher of visible speech (可视语言 ) , who later moved to Canada, _ 67__ all his time experimenting . __68___ enthusiastic (热情的) was he in his