
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/13 04:52:21

Americans looking to Chinese cultureto enrich their life

In the 17th and 18th centuries, Chinese art, architecture and philosophy were much admired in the West, and Chinese luxury goods like silks, teas and porcelain were in great demand and transformed their way of life drastically.

However, following China's accelerated political and economic decline during the 19th and part of 20th centuries resulting in foreign encroachment upon its sovereignty, its cultural appeal lost its shine, except to the discerning foreigners.

With the advent of the United States as the dominant military and economic power since the 1940s, it has been the turn of the East to be mesmerised by its pervasive achievements in various fields of human endeavour.

Be that as it may, Americans, once again, are looking to Chinese culture to enrich their life. This trend is gathering momentum and is there to stay.

Apart from their love affair with Chines