
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 05:31:22

Introduction to the Cambridge University

Cambridge University traces its history back to 1209 when a group of scholars from Oxford appeared in the town to found a university (having tired of the constant strife that characterised their relationship with the burghers of Oxford). Like Oxford University, Cambridge is built on a system of colleges of different shapes, ages and characters. Unlike in its rival industry - publishing - computing and electronics only arrived in Cambridge fairly recently meaning that the university has a strong presence in the medieval city.

Although there is a students' union and university societies, most student activity is based in colleges. Publications exist to synthesise and explain the students' view of the world here. For students cocooned in colleges, this is a valuable service.

The courses available here are split fairly evenly between arts and sciences. The tutorial system - which often takes students ou