
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 08:03:05
1、Bambo's leaving was the last straw. All of a sudden I could see inside myself, all the things I'd promised never to look at again. My two divorces, my kids leaving, my dad dying. All that loss and pain was still there, waiting to be dealt with.
2、Instead, I tried to keep busy and forget how much my heart hurt. But I couldn't. Nothing made sense. I didn't even bother getting out of bed some days. I'd lie there all day long staring out the window. Deer hunting was over for sure now.

班博的离去确属万般无奈. 刹那间,我又触摸到我曾发誓永不碰及的灵魂深处.: 两次失败的婚姻,孩子们的离家外出,老父的病危,一件件,一桩桩,所有的失败,痛苦都摆在那,让我无法逃避.
2、接下来, 我试图让自己忙碌,以图忘却心中的伤痛.但就是做不到.一切都不对劲.有时候我一连几天都在床上躺着, 就这么躺着,痴痴地呆望窗外.猎鹿季节应该是结束了吧.

