
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 17:22:39

On May 13, 1787, a fleet(船队)of English ships set sail for Australia with about 750 people. These men and women were no ordinary passengers. There were convicts(罪犯)being sent to Australia as punishment(惩罚)of their crimes(罪行).

Laws in England during this period were very harsh(苛刻的), and people were punished severely(严厉地)for even the smallest crimes. A man could be sentenced to death(判死刑)for hunting on another man's property or he could be put to death for chopping(砍) down someone else's tree. For many other crimes, the punishment was "transportation"(流放). The guilty(有罪的)person was shipped to a distant(远的)land where he was forced to work without pay. Often women and children shipped to another lands, too.

In 1770, Captain Cook had discovered the continent(大陆)of Australia and claimed(要求得到) for England. At first, England found no use for this vast(辽阔的) land on the other side of the world, but then the American Revolution took place. England coul