
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 00:39:52
在所有语言中,颜色词都具有极为丰富的意义。英汉颜色词不仅意义丰富,而且应用范围也相当广泛。颜色虽是自然现象,但千百年来,不同的民族由于受自然环境,文化传统,风俗习惯以及民族审美心理及认识情感的影响,对颜色的观感不尽相同,对同一颜色有时会产生不同的联想,从而使同一颜色词在不同的民族形成不同的象征意义,而使颜色词独具引申意义和文化意义。 在众多的颜色词中最基本的莫过于赤、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫、黑和白。这里,我将以“红,黑, 白,黄,蓝,绿”这六种基本颜色词对英汉两种语言的使用者在心理上产生的联想意义,象征意义,褒贬意义,蕴含意义等方面进行比较。
(一)Red — 红色,红色的
1、 汉语中“红”最主要的象征意义是喜庆、顺利、成功,受重视或欢迎。红色是我国文化中的基本崇尚色,它体现着中国人在精神和物质上的追求。
像汉语一样,英语中“红”也可作抽象化的引申,喻指与红色紧密相连的事物属性概念。如“to paint the town red”中的“red”指狂欢喜庆,但蕴含喧闹意味;又如“red carpet treatment”表示“the kind of courtesy or deference shown to persons of high station”,是由“red carper”这一具体形象来表达它所代表的事物属性“隆重,高贵”。
“如The visiting princess was treated to the red carpet in Rome.

In all languages, colors, words have a very rich meaning. English and Chinese color words is not only rich in meaning and scope of application are very wide. Although colors are a natural phenomenon, but thousands of years, because of different nations by the natural environment, cultural traditions, customs and national awareness of emotional, psychological and aesthetic impact on the perception of color is different from the same color and sometimes will produce different association, so that the same color words in different nations to form a different symbolic meaning, the color of the word unique extended meaning and cultural significance. At a large number of color words is the most basic red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, black and white. Here, I will be "red, black, white, yellow, blue, green," These six basic color terms of English and Chinese languages at the user's psychological association significance, symbolic meaning and appraise the meaning