
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 14:26:51
1.what is epistemology an what is ontology? How do they differ and how might they either be combined or held separate? Make explicit reference to at least on thinker

2. Briefly summarize Clarke's argument for the existence of God and discuss Hume's critique

Every science has its own ontology, epistemology and consequently its own methodologies.
Ontology defines the fundamental categories of reality. Domain ontology as distinct from formal ontology is related to focus of study. Each research field has its own ontology. A biologist, who studies ants, differentiates the ants' specific constituent parts, actions and contexts. Similarly a sociologist will have implicit and/or explicit presuppositions about categories of reality that are fundamental and related in the human and social systems she/he studies. Where formal ontology inquiry is to say something general about reality, domain ontology says something specific about different areas of reality.
Epistemology defines how we can know and reason that reality. As for domain ontology, each research field has its own epistemology: The maps applied by the biologist studying ants, are traditionally different from the maps applied by the sociologist