
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 17:33:09
Instinctively, the first thing we want to know about a disease is whether it is going to kill us. As the Talmud says, pretty much all the rest is commentary. Twenty-five years ago, this was the only question about AIDS we could answer with any certainty; how disorienting it is that now, vast quantities of commentary later, it is the only question we really cannot answer well at all.
By now, those of us in the AIDS business long term have cared for thousands of patients. No one with that kind of personal experience can doubt for a moment the malignant potential of H.I.V. or the lifesaving capabilities of the drugs developed against it. But there are also now hundreds of footnotes and exceptions and modifications to those two facts that make the big picture ever murkier.
Not everyone who is infected gets sick. Not everyone who is treated gets well. Some people progress along the road from initial infection to progressive immune deficiency to life-threatening illness at the expe

直觉地, 第一件事物我们想要知道,一种疾病是它是否要杀我们。 如犹太法典说,非常所有其余者是注释。 二十五年前,这是我们可以以任何的确定回答的关于爱滋病的唯一疑问;如何使它失去方向感现在是那, 注释的巨大量稍后,我们真的一点也不能够很好地回答的是唯一的疑问。
到如今, 那些我们在长期已经照顾数以千计的病人的爱滋病生意方面。 没有人用那种个人的经验能怀疑一会儿 H.I.V. 的有恶意潜能,否则药物的救命能力发展对抗它。 但是现在也有数以百计的脚注和例外和针对那些的修正二种使大的照片曾经变成更黝暗的事实。
是每个人谁被传染变得不舒服。 不是每个人谁被对待变得很好。 一些人进步沿着道路,从到前进的免疫缺乏的开始传染到威胁生命的疾病,在预期的速度,然后以治疗头正确地再一次对健康支持。其他沿着方法停顿, 病人或很好地, 藐视我们的可怕预测和快乐的安心一样。
病人崭新诊断群众进入了我们的临床讲义, 他们之中的许多非常年轻的, 而且完全地被他们的传染未能吸引。 他们为事实「新的药物将会作每件事物所有的权利」知道。 我去年在医院上给予了他们的其中之一他的诊断病房。"试不要再烦恼太多 ," 当他茫然地盯着他的计算机荧屏看的时候,我告诉他; 它把他关掉更关心藉着他的弱无线的连接超过作为一个患有先进的爱滋病的人他的新状态。
