
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 17:27:06

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"African elephant" Meet the largest land mammal on Earth.

The African elephant is the largest mammal that lives on land. Males can be up to four metres tall at the shoulder. They have extra large ears that they flap to keep themselves cool. Unlike their Asian cousins, both male and female African elephants have tusks.
These intelligent creatures talk to one another by making low growling sounds - so low, in fact, that we can't even hear them. It's as if they had their own built-in mobile phones! This explains why two elephants can act as one, even if they are several kilometres apart. Elephants also make sort of rumbling sound while digesting their food. If they are in danger they turn this sound off as a warning to others.

Elephant trunks are the Swiss army knives of