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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 22:37:37
摘要: 《儒林外史》是我国古代讽刺小说的巅峰之作,它通过各类人物形象的塑造,不但真实生动地显示其真伪、善恶和美丑的本来面目,而且深刻的揭露了封建科举制度、封建思想腐蚀人的灵魂,摧残人才及败坏社会风气的罪恶。其讽刺艺术是无以伦比的。本文试图在作品的讽刺对象、讽刺手法和语言上对其讽刺艺术的特征进行初步的探析。
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Abstract: the ancient Chinese fations.however, novel, it through all kinds of characters, not only real image vividly shows its authenticity, the good and the beautiful or ugly, and profound exposes the feudal imperial examination system, the feudal ideological soul, corrosion and corrupted by social evil. The irony art is incomparable. This paper tries to work in the object of irony, ironic technique and language on the characteristics of satire preliminary analysis. Keywords: ironically, Fations.however, contrast