
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 08:26:24
翻译为英语的 这对我很重要.希望高人们帮我好好翻译下.不要机器翻译.非常感谢!!!!!!

The purpose of home education has constrained the direction of home education, decide its overall effect, so the purpose of home education families are the core of education is to determine the differences between China and the United States home the root cause of education. The purpose of home education is through home education to cultivate educated into what kind of person. Once the purpose of identification, educational content, methods, according to the selection. In that case, the United States and China, the purpose of home education, or both parents have aspirations for their children, what difference? Home education in the United States seeks to cultivate into a Child to adapt to the environment and the viability of an independent "society people", expectations for this purpose is not high. "Human society" is not an ideal飘渺, but a practical, easy to operate and the broader requirements. The United States so parents can more e