请问这个视频里的背景音乐是什么 追分

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 18:14:33


《The Beauty & The Tragedy》
Trading Yesterday(一支来自美国阿肯色洲的另类摇滚乐队)


Watch your step, love is broken
I am every tear you cry
Save your breath, your heart has spoken
You already have my life

For I am finding out that love will kill and save me
Taking the dreams that made me up
And tearing them away
But the same love will take this heart that's barely beating
And fill it with hope beyond the stars
Only love

Another day, another sunrise
Washing over everything
In its time, love will be mine
The beauty and the tragedy

For I am finding out that love will kill and save me
Taking the dreams that made me up
And tearing them away
But the same love will take this heart that's barely beating
And fill it with hope beyond the stars
Only love
Only love, love, love

For I am finding out that love