谁知道 Managed objects 是什么

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 15:27:14
Managed objects是公司名,还是一个软件,或是什么解决方案,请高手指点


managed object
In telecommunication, the term managed object has the following meanings:

1. In a network, an abstract representation of network resources that are managed.

Note: A managed object may represent a physical entity, a network service, or an abstraction of a resource that exists independently of its use in management.

2. In telecommunications management, a resource within the telecommunications environment that may be managed through the use of operation, administration, maintenance, and provisioning (OAMP) application protocols.

现在网络上有各种网络设备,这就意味着实现对各种硬件平台、各种软件操作系统中运行程序的统一管理不太可能。实际上,对这些程序的管理无非就是需要向它们发送命令和数据,以及从它们那里取得数据和状态信息。这样,系统需要一个管理者的角色和被管理对象(managed object,MO)。由于一般程序都有多种对象需要被管理(对应一组不同的网络资源),因此,我们可以用一个程序作为代理(Agent),将这些被管理对象全部包装起来, 实现对管理者的统一交互。
