
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 12:22:37
why do young people fell the need to breal away feom their farents?

你好, jinboxiang3


why do young people fell the need to breal away feom their farents?

All the young people sometimes want to be on freedom without their parents,and its all hapened nearly when they are at 18 years.Then we want to feel that we can make someting wothout our parents.

But we can't forget that our parents are they who take care about us they pay
for our education,they are worried about us when we are seek and everything else.
I don't think that the young people
must to brake away with their parents,
until that they are sure that they can live and make money on their own.
For the parents the childrens are on first place and they will be very sed If their childrens break away from them.

The likelihood that an adult child will reside with parents declines very sharply after age 18: In 1990, 74% of 18-19 year olds lived with p