
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 23:25:21
2001年4月28日通过的《关于修改〈中华人民共和国婚姻法〉的决定》新增了离婚损害赔偿制度,保障了离婚自由, 填补了我国的一项立法空白, 使司法机关对相关案件进行裁判有了法律的依据。离婚过错损害赔偿,是指因夫妻一方的重大过错致使婚姻关系破裂的,过错方应对无过错方的财产损失或精神损失予以赔偿的法律制度。这种制度,在国外立法上已有几百年历史。根据《婚姻法》第46条的规定,离婚损害赔偿的情形有重婚、有配偶者与他人同居、实施家庭暴力和虐待、遗弃家庭成员。离婚损害赔偿的构成须同时具备有法定违法行为、有损害事实、有因果关系、有主观过错等四个要件。此次修法并非完美无缺,我国离婚损害赔偿制度尚存缺漏,因此,本文拟从离婚损害赔偿制度的主体范围、法定事由、赔偿范围、精神损害的赔偿数额、举证责任等方面提几点看法,并和澳门、香港、台湾三地域的规定进行比较,提出一些立法建议。

Passed on April 28 in 2001 《 decision concerning the modification 〈 People's Republic of China marriage method 〉》 added the divorce indemnity system, guarantee the divorce freely, filled up a lawmaking blank of the our country, make judicial organ carried on to judge to have the basis of the law to the related case.Divorce the fault indemnity, mean because of one square of husband and wife of important fault cause marital relationship break of, fault the square reply to lose without the fault square's property or the spirit lose to give the compensatory law system.This kind of system, there is already the history of several a hundred years on the lawmaking abroad.According to 《 the marriage method 》 the provision of Article 46s, the situation of the divorce indemnity contain plural marriage, have the spouse the and the others cohabitation, carry out the domestic violence and maltreat, desert the family member.The composing beard that divorces the indemnity has at the same