
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 15:29:46
我抢走别人的注意力……这些显然与她的教育背道而驰。 可是,这是一种盲目的、缺乏深厚感情的爱,可怜的她却一直在苦苦追寻。直到媚兰去世,她才明白:,“我所爱的只是一尊自己虚构的偶像,没有生命和灵魂。我给他做了一套漂亮的衣服,然后就爱上它了。当他骑着马向我走来时,是那么英俊潇洒、风流惆悦,我便把那套衣服给了他,不管他合身不合身,最重要的是我不肯看清他到底是一个怎样的人物。我一直爱着那套衣服,没有爱他本人。”如果说爱伦圣母般的爱是我的精神支柱,那么在时世变迁中,它己杳无踪迹;我所虚构的美丽的爱情是我生命的动力,最后也在梦幻的破灭中消失殆尽。 当南北战争如秋风扫落叶般将属于我的那个安乐富裕的家刮走后,我意识到“这是个狂暴艰难的时代,要在这样的时代生活下去就非得进行艰难剧烈的斗争不可

I snatched the attention of others ... ... these are clearly runs counter to her education. However, this is a blind, the lack of deep feelings of love, the poor, she has been hard to trace.meilanuntil death, she realized: "I just loved a fictional idols themselves, there is no life and soul. I gave him a set of beautiful clothes, and then fell in love with it. When he was on horseback to me, it was so handsome, romantic forlorn Yuet, I then gave him the set of clothes, whether or not he fit does not fit, the most important thing is that I was in the end he refused to see what kind of people. I have been love the set of clothes, I did not love him. "as if the love of Our Lady Ellen is my spiritual support, then changes in the times, it has disappeared without trace; I love the beauty of fiction is my life driving force, the last of the shattered dream of are lost. When the Civil War, such as autumn leaves So I like to belong to the well-being of the scratch-off left at hom