新汶翻译 5

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/06 14:41:35
Equity markets put in mixed performances yesterday as investors sifted through the latest batch of economic and corporate reports for signs of recovery.

The day got off to an apparently gloomy start with news that Chinese gross domestic product growth in the first quarter had slowed to its lowest level since records began in 1992.

But most economists took a broadly optimistic view of the figures. “There are signs that the [Chinese] stimulus measures are starting to pay off,” said Jay Bryson at Wachovia. “The Chinese economy probably bottomed in the first quarter and growth should strengthen over the next few quarters.”






但大多数经济学家了乐观的看法大致的数字。 “有迹象表明, [中国]刺激措施初见成效, ”布莱逊称,在美联银行锦标赛。 “在我国经济可能触底反弹,第一季经济增长应加强在今后几个季度。 ”