
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 02:35:02
急急急!!!!!!!!!! 快点!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is the president of Singapore.

Where is the Singapore River

When is the national day of Singapore

1、What is the location of Singapore?(新加坡坐落在什么地方?或新加坡的地理位置在哪?)
2、What's the national flower of Singapore?(新加坡的国花是什么?)
3、How does Singapore which is so small in Asia become the richest country of Asia in a short time of about 50 years? (新加坡是怎么在短短的50年中从亚洲小国变成亚洲最富的国家的?)

why are you want to singapore?
how to know abou singgapore?