
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 23:46:50
随着宽带接入技术的推广,在“最后一公里”中间的某些段落上,存在布设、成本、带宽等方面的一些限制,而FSO(Free Space Optics,无线光通信)由于其抗干扰能力强、开通迅速、带宽高、性能价格比高等优点,很快得到一些运营商的认可,并逐步在实际工程中得到应用。本设计介绍了FSO的基础知识及其发展应用,然后设计出简易的FSO发送模块的电路,对简易的FSO发送模块的原理进行说明,最后对简易的FSO发射部分进行调试并总结。

As broadband access technologies, in the "last mile" on the middle of some of the paragraphs, there is laid, the cost of bandwidth limitations, etc., and FSO (Free Space Optics, Wireless optical communication) because of its anti-interference ability strong, and opened rapidly, the high-bandwidth, high cost performance, operators will soon get some recognition, and gradually be applied in practical engineering. FSO presented the design basis for the development of knowledge and its application, and then design a simple circuit module Send FSO, FSO to send to the simple principle that module, and finally the launch of the easy part of debugging FSO and summarized.
