
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 06:27:42
摘要: 以GATT/WTO为代表的多边贸易体制是摆脱贸易政策选择“囚徒困境”的制度性安排,它为各成员参与多边贸易体制提供了一个博弈平台。文章介绍了贸易政策选择“囚徒困境”,并从多边贸易体制的产生、建设者、互惠原则、最惠国待遇原则、争端解决机制、谈判机制等各个方面分析了其运行的博弈原理,介绍了多边贸易体制的博弈机构。

关键词:多边贸易体制 博弈 囚徒困境

Abstract: The GATT / WTO as the multilateral trading system is the choice of trade policy from the "Prisoner's Dilemma" institutional arrangement, which the members participate in the multilateral trading system provides a platform game.In this paper, the trade policy options, "Prisoner's Dilemma," and from the emergence of the multilateral trading system, the builders, the principle of reciprocity, most-favored-nation principle, the dispute settlement mechanism, the negotiation mechanism analysis of all aspects of the operation principle of the game on the multilateral trading Game system bodies.
Key words:The multilateral trading system
Prisoner's Dilemma

Take GATT/WTO as representative's multilateral trading system is gets rid of the trade policy choice “the convict difficult position” the institutional arrangement, it participated in the multilateral trading systems for various members providing a gamb