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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 04:38:39

The Chinese film was developping for many years under the China traditional film system , and finally restlessness in the early 90's .The major of the restlessnes groups is that different from the previous sixth-generation directors and some of the ground floor of the director. They are not satisfied with the current Chinese film studio system to a small cost of making movies, but do not rely on an independent film studio and operation of shooting. This is the so-called "independent film." This is video of the film areas, the recent surge, especially represented bya group of people as Jia Zhangke . Have produced a <<Xiaowu >>,<<Wang Xiaoshuai 'bicycle >>,<<baby in Anyang >>, and so on critically-acclaimed film. Even France <<Film Guide>> said that they initiated The new wave of Chinese film.. "Underground film" film in the new period of development is the history of Chinese film and even the new view, whi