作业求救~英语作业 用你自己的定义解释下列语句

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 20:45:56
VII. Define the following from your own experience or observation in the form of paragraphs.
(1) the Chinese saying “show off one’s skill with an ax before Lu Ban”.
(2) "Master Dongguo"
(3) Superstition
(4) Male chauvinism
(5) Optimism
急求 明天要考试了 大家能写几个写几个

1.show off one’s skill with an ax before Lu Ban
: LuBan, known as the master of anciet architecture. The pharse refers to demonstrate one's speal ability in front of those who already have an upper hand over others. similarly, we have an idiomatic english phrase which means the same with "show off one’s skill with an ax before Lu Ban"——teach one's granny how to suck eggs.
2.“Master Dongguo” is a leading role in a Chinese triditional story.From that case on, "Dongguo" became an symbol of a sort of person who obtained a negative reflection or passive result with a warm heart, because he just didn’t think so much about the outcome.
3. An irrational belief arising from ignorance or fear. Generally speaking,"Superstition" is the dead hand of ancient feudalist society. It came as the trend of poor scientific development, for most phenomenon in Mother Nature can't be explained in the then society.
4.Male chauvinism :activity