
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 16:46:57
茶多酚是从茶中提取出来的最主要、最精华、对人体最有益的成分,它是形成茶叶品质的重要成分之一,是茶叶中多酚类物质的总称。很多资料表明,茶多酚不仅是良好的天然抗氧化剂, 而且还具有抗癌、抗衰老、抗辐射、消除人体自由基、降血糖脂、防治心血管病、抑菌抑酶、沉淀金属等一系列特殊的药理功能。因此,茶多酚的药用功效也日渐被人们所关注起来,茶多酚的保健作用机理及其应用已成为医药、食品界的研究热点。而随着社会的发展、食品科技的进步、人民生活水品的不断改善和提高,焙烤食品已成为当今社会的主流食品,在世界绝大多数国家,无论在人们的主食还是副食品中,焙烤食品都占有十分重要的位置。在我国,焙烤食品也具有很大的发展潜力和光明的发展前景,蛋糕在焙烤食品中占有重要的地位,由于蛋糕的质地柔软,膨松,组织细腻多孔,气味芳香而且营养丰富,所以为国内广大消费者所喜爱,因此,蛋糕的市场发展前景极为可观。本文通过介绍茶多酚的药理特性以及蛋糕行业的发展状况,从而综述了茶多酚应用在蛋糕食品中的可行性与前景展望

Tea polyphenols are extracted from the most important and most essential of the most useful element of the human body, it is to form an essential component of quality tea, is tea polyphenols collectively. Many data indicate that TP is not only a good natural anti-oxidants, but also has anti-cancer, anti-aging, anti-radiation, to eliminate free radicals in the body, lowering blood sugar fat, cardiovascular disease prevention, antimicrobial inhibitory activity, such as a metal deposition series of special pharmacological features. Therefore, the medicinal effect of tea polyphenols has also been growing concern, and the health effects of tea polyphenols and its application has become a mechanism of medicine, food industry research hotspot. With the social development, food science and technology progress, people's living water of the continuous improvement of products and improved bakery has become the mainstream of society of food, the overwhelming majority of countries in the wor