
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 16:26:27

我国是一个农业大国,尤其江西更是我国的一个农业大省,茶叶对江西的出口创汇以及生产发展有着十分重要的意义,作为江西主要的出口农产品之一, 茶叶已经成为我国商务部重点监测的对象, 在农产品贸易中占据着重要地位,然而国外日益苛刻的技术贸易壁垒已经成为我国农业产品对外贸易中最大的障碍。因而以检验检疫壁垒与江西省茶叶出口贸易现状及案例为研究对象,再分析案例以及涉及到焦点问题上如茶叶出口对江西经济的作用,探讨在检验检疫壁垒下江西茶叶出品的状况并结合实际情况进行分析,并将在最后提出应对国外这些贸易壁垒的可行性方法,在后WTO时代背景下如何制定相关产业政策,这对于中国今后其它产业政策制定有着指导意义。


Inspection and quarantine barriers on exports of tea in Jiangxi impact analysis

China is a large agricultural country, especially in Jiangxi Province is one of China's major agricultural province of Jiangxi tea exports as well as the development of production is very important, as in Jiangxi, one of the main export of agricultural products, tea has become the focus of China's Ministry of Commerce to monitor the object, in the trade of agricultural products occupy an important position, however, increasingly harsh foreign technical barriers to trade in agricultural products has become the biggest obstacle to foreign trade. Therefore to inspection and quarantine barriers and export status of tea in Jiangxi Province and the case studies, and analysis of the case, as well as issues related to the focus, such as tea export economy of Jiangxi Province, to explore the inspection and quarantine barriers Jiangxi tea produced under the light of actual situation Analysis of