
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 14:28:16

酒类:烧酒:一般含酒精量为25度。 由于很淡,中国人很容易喝过量。
韩定食(韩国式套餐):原为朝鲜时代的宫中料理,桌面上摆满各式小菜,除泡菜外,不加辣椒粉是它的特征。蒸、烤、烫、拌等用尽各种不同的烹饪方法,材料调味,配色花样百出而丰富无比,每家餐厅的食谱,价格并不一致,但一定会包括以小麦煎饼包裹肉类,蔬菜八种而食用的“九折板扳 ”及加放肉类、鱼类、蔬菜、蘑菇炖煮的火锅名曰“神仙炉”。
泡菜:韩国菜中最著名的菜肴,除了广为人知的白菜泡菜外,还有用萝卜、黄瓜等多种蔬菜腌制的泡菜,并且因地域的不同,泡菜的种类有百余种。其中,包裹式泡菜可称泡菜中的极品,除了白菜外,还有栗子、梨、大枣、鱿鱼、章鱼、鲍鱼、虾、松仁等材料,当然,泡菜里也要放葱、姜、蒜、水芹菜、虾酱、等佐料。 中国人开始可能会不习惯,但越吃越好吃。

Mix the rice:It is Korea that Korea mixs the rice deal with the inside again a special features, among them “石 the bowl mix the rice" is Korea recipe that possess singly.“石 the bowl mix the rice" is soybean bud etc. the vegetable, meat, egg( living the egg) put with every kind of condiment on the cooked white rice, then 盛 is in the very hot 石 bowl, plus the Korea hot pepper the 酱 , and mix blend the empress the edibility, its not only the flavor 鲜 is beautiful, but also the form is special, because of the 石 bowl very hot, the bowl bottom can leave a 巴 , and never throw away, because have the admixture, pot of various materials the 巴 is also a delicious ratio.

Roast beef with roast the steak:Match the few Koreas grilled meat of wanting of Chinese taste most .The grilled meat in Korea has a lot of grow, most interesting of should depend the steak( choose to use to use the milk hello the sparerib of the big milk cow, at condiment inside 腌 system empress, put on