
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 17:23:54
你错了,真正的欧雅若其实很脆弱的.其实,其实她也想要痛痛快快的大哭,她也想要被大家呵护,被人家安慰.从小就没有人保护她,所 以她只有拼了命的一直往前跑,因为他害怕一停下来,就会被拉回很可怕的过去.她一直想要装坚强,一直假装她从来不曾受伤,她努力 的想要过得更好,却总是把自己搞得伤痕累累.你还记得我曾经去工 地找你.告诉你说我愿意放弃一切跟你走,我哪天说的都是真的,第 一次肯,第一次肯面对自己的真心.可是你却不愿意相信,你宁可相 信一个诈欺犯,对你说我爱你,你也不愿意相信我是真心的.天骐,不 要推开我,留下来陪我".

You are wrong, the real ouya if actually very fragile. In fact, she also wants to cry, she queen-sized also wants to be caressed by someone, who was not comfort. Protect her, she only in the life, has been running a stop, because he was afraid that will be back very terrible past. She always want to pack strong, has been pretending she never hurt, she struggles to want to live better, but always put yourself get scarred. Do you remember I had to work for you, I would tell you. Go with you, all give up what I said is true, for the first time, Ken Ken face first his heart. But you didn't want to believe, you would make a fraud in faith, you say I love you, you would not believe me is true. Tianqi, not to push me, stay with me."



You are wrong, the real OUYA if in fact very fragile. A matter of fact, but she really does want to cry the, she also wanted to be all love, the comfort others. No one to protect he