
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 02:58:37
故事说的是在一个夏日的周末Peter和Carla,在英国小镇Bath散步参观。在途中他们遇到了个在偏僻角落演奏的flute player。然后他们走进了a little shop 是卖some old coins and stamps 。Peter对店内的邮票收藏品很兴趣,可是Carla发现店内的人很不友善。于是他们离开了这家店。当他们在路边的café shop休息的时候,shopkeeper怒气冲冲的找上他们,质疑他们偷了店内值钱的coin,并且说出了怀疑他们的理由。为了证明清白,Peter和Carla让警察搜查了他们的包,并没有发现coins。shopkeeper道歉后离开。莫名消失的钱币的去向不明。Carla发现了其中的疑点,最终帮助警察和shopkeeper找到了窃贼。

There was about a story in a summer weekend,Peter and Carla walked in Bath,a small town of England.On their half way they met a flute player playing in the conner and then they walked into a little shop where it sells some old coins and stamps.Peter was interested in the stmaps of the shop.but Carla discovered people in the shop wasn't that friendly,then they left the shop.When they rest in the cafe shop beside the road, shopkeeper looked forward them with his angre,and he doubted they stole the value coin, and he spoke out the reason.As to improve they didn't do it, Peter and Carla asked the plice to search their bags,and didn;t get any coins,the shopkeeper left soon after he gave apoligy.The coin was disappeared.Carla discovered some points of doubting. then she helped the plice and shopkeeper get the chief.

The story is in a summer day weekend, Peter and Carla, walk in the British town Bath. They came to a remote corners of the flute plays in the player. Then they w