国际贸易食物Open account

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 22:20:39
4) Open account
Open account is an arrangement in which the credit is extended to an individual, firm, corporation or other legal entity based on an estimate of the general ability to pay,as distinguished from the credit that is extended and supported by a note, mortgage or other formal written evidence of indebtedness.
(2)Procedure of using open account
Open account is quite simple to use.First, the seller dispatches the goods. Then he sends the invoice to the buyer and waits for payment from the buyer.When the goods are dispatched, the title to the goods transfers to the buyer from the seller.
Normally, the seller will stipulate a time period in which payment is to be made. For instance, 2/10means that the buyer can take two percent off the invoice amount if he pays within 10 days, and n/30 means that full invoice value must be paid within a month.


通常,卖方会对付款规定时间。例如,2/10 即如买方在10日内付款将获得发票金额2%的折扣,n/30 则是一个月内必须支付全额发票。