
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 06:52:57
红楼梦诗词 猜灯谜 菊花咏 葬花吟

if someone doesn't know the "stone story",it's no use for him to read all books. of all novels made in Ming & Qing Dynasty, the "stone story" is the most famous one.since it got to known, all kinds of comments,topics,paintings,poems,opera and films come to people's life. for over 200 years, an association has formed, which specially learn Cao and his work----the "stone story".it's responsible to say that the "stone story" is not only an outstanding piece of work in classical chinese novels, a fabulous represent of chinese culture, but also something such as splendid pearl in the history of novels,lecture and even art in the world.
in the "stone story", things mentioned are so many, say, architecture,gardoning,clothing,equipments,food,medicine,rite,costume,philosophy,music and arts,opera and acrobatics, so long and so forth.but among these, the most attractive content is poems and lirycs.
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