
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 06:30:20
1金字塔型的组织结构图(比如最高层是董事)2每个工作岗位负责什么 工作要求(态度、学历、经验) 工作职能和要求 3员工手册 (制定该遵守的规则) 4 限制性管理措施(就像不能携带哪些物品)5行业协会和组织 (没有可以不写) 6对员工的特殊要求 (要不要买保险给他们,如果要买怎么买,是全部支付还是只出一部分钱)

1 pyramid organization chart (for example, is the highest level of Director) is responsible for 2 per job, what requirements (attitude, qualifications, experience) job functions and requirements of 3 staff handbook (the development of the rules) 4 restrictive management measures ( which can not carry items like) 5 industry associations and organizations (not can not write) 6 of the special requirements of the staff (or to buy insurance to them, If you have to buy how to buy, to pay all or only part of the money)